Downloading Audio

Save audio assets from podcasts processed by podRacer

Enter an RSS Feed URL and click 'Fetch'

You can also load RSS Feeds from your Bookmarks if you have any

Click 'Download' to begin

You can minimize the process via 'View > Minimize'

Overwrite Existing Files

Existing entries are skipped by default and duplicate filenames are saved seperately.
You can overwrite files by checking this box prior to starting your download.

Change Audio Format

Choose to save your audio in 'MP3' or 'WAV' format
You can change this setting via 'Edit > Preferences > Downloading > Save As...'


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You've learned all there is about Downloading Audio

You can also choose individual audio files using a Selective Download

Got file links without an RSS feed? No problem, you can still save them by loading a Download Queue